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Monday, 1 August 2011


Let's go back to the story left behind, one week ago
The Village of Olimbo....on the coast, where Ugo wanted to stop because on the map there was a nice beach (more on the side stories)...

qualche passetto indietro rispetto ad oggi e per riprendere la storia da dove l'abbiamo lasciata....avventura Olimbo da raccontare con maggiori dettagli

After a short assessment we decided to move further the Farol exactly on Cabo del Gado

poi via di nuovo verso Capo del Gado

though the trip to reach the place was rather adventure....

su un percorso non proprio facile

finally at the Farol....
the village of fishermen and the surroundings....

about the people of the is a sample (read more on the side stories)

After the Farol back to south...still along the coast
Here heading to Pangane....whow and Ugo dreams about his lodge on the coast

poi Ugo...che sogna...e sogna
 and he starts to think that it might become true.....

tanto da covincersi che quasi possa diventare realtà

than from here we move to Pangane point......but this is another story...and now we must continue our trip.....
take this to start and wait for the next....

e poi questa è un'altra storia...queste immagini sono solo un inizio ......ora dobbiamo procedere....