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Saturday, 16 July 2011


Finally at Mtwara...closer and closer to the Unknown!!
We are rather late on our time table....but still we need to see, and it is possible that the unknown will wait for another couple of days.
In fondo...No Hurry in Africa!

Met with Leo, giovanotto de Roma, travelling by pubblic transport. Left Cape town three months ago. He wishes to reach Rome within the next six months. Safari Njema!!
All the way to Mtwara from Kilwa noticeably unpopulated. Road partially unpaved at time, but yet very little traffic and all in all pleasant.
Vervet and Yellow Baboons sometime on the side of the road, sharing the woodland of deciduous unnamed trees, with unlucky Puff Adder. This last one is now with us. Questa notte sarà fatta borsetta!

Today special greetings to the heros in Porta Romana but especially the one in Baghdad.

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

95 USD!!!

In Dar, to get the Mozambique VISA.
95 USD to have it by tomorrow, two passport pictures, payment at NBC bank....but we managed and on the 15th we will pass Mtwara bridge (maybe!)
To night and tomorrow sleeping in a very pleasant place southern of the City.
The camp site is called Kipepeo on the road to Kigamboni at about 5 km from the ferry to Dar City Centre. To reach here from Dar it took us two good hours of full traffic because of road constructions. 

Siamo a Dar per il visto Mozambico: 95 USD per averlo domani, due foto tessera e pagamento alla NBC ce l'abbiamo fatta, il 15 passiamo il ponte di Mtwara (forse!).
Questa notte e domani stiamo in un posto molto piacevole e carino a sud della città. Il campeggio si chiama Kipepeo sulla strada per Kigamboni a circa 6 km dal traghetto per il Centro città. Per raggiungere il posto da Dar però ci abbiamo messo due ore a causa dei lavori in corso. 

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Giro inaugurale Rehearsal Trip

Un paio di notti ad Mkuru per salutare gli amici e provare l'efficenza della nostra “Batcruiser”. Partenza definitiva martedì 12/7, giusto un ritardo di una settimana

Couple of night at Mkuru to greet the friends and to test the efficency of our “Batcruiser”. Departure date tuesday 12, so far one week of delay

Il Varo ufficiale Official baptise

Festa per il varo ufficiale della Landcamper con cermonia marittima.
Official baptise party


Ecco l'opera finita, è stata dura ma il risultato supera ogni aspettativa.
Here is the final work, it has been hard but the result is impressive.
 Energy System
Cucina, bagno / Kitchen, Bathroom