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Saturday, 16 July 2011


Finally at Mtwara...closer and closer to the Unknown!!
We are rather late on our time table....but still we need to see, and it is possible that the unknown will wait for another couple of days.
In fondo...No Hurry in Africa!

Met with Leo, giovanotto de Roma, travelling by pubblic transport. Left Cape town three months ago. He wishes to reach Rome within the next six months. Safari Njema!!
All the way to Mtwara from Kilwa noticeably unpopulated. Road partially unpaved at time, but yet very little traffic and all in all pleasant.
Vervet and Yellow Baboons sometime on the side of the road, sharing the woodland of deciduous unnamed trees, with unlucky Puff Adder. This last one is now with us. Questa notte sarà fatta borsetta!

Today special greetings to the heros in Porta Romana but especially the one in Baghdad.


  1. o, vor di:"essere saggi" che se po no contà i barzelett?
    Però la storia che si dre conta so l'è propri bela ...anca i fotografi...creen tanta emozion...quasi de minga cred che ghe sia de la gent che la pò viv in on mond insci divers dal noster ...

  2. Questa notte sarà fatta borsetta!???????
    have you been robbed by baboons? s.


please be wise and think twice